Thursday, November 1, 2012

What a Difference A Day Makes

Update: See my new post-script for an update.

If you'd asked me last week how I would be spending the Wednesday before the marathon I would have looked at you funny and then said, I'll go to work and then come home. I would not have answered, I'll be moving boxes. Of course, last week I didn't foresee that Sandy would leave half of Manhattan in darkness, shut down the trains and my office, and nearly cancel the marathon.

So where was I yesterday? At the Javits Center helping set up the marathon expo. Even before Bloomberg had officially announced that the marathon would go on, Jack Rabbit Sports--the folks behind much of the expo--put out a call for volunteers.

A look at the Asics area after several hours of work.
Usually expo set-up begins the weekend before the marathon, but because of Sandy no one had access to the Javitts Center until Wednesday. To make things worse, because of all the cancelled flights, cancelled trains, and generally difficulty getting into and around the city, many people who were supposed to come work set-up were unable to get into Manhattan.

Thankfully my friend Helen, who was also volunteering, has a car, so we were able to get to the convention center even though there was no subway service yesterday. We actually had a pretty good time helping with the set-up, though after being at home all week, I was surprised at how tired I was after a few hours. Thankfully, the folks from Power Bar were there early and they hooked us up with some Harvest Bars (actually really good) and eventually there was even some pizza.

Even though there were a ton of us volunteering, when Helen and I left around 2 it was hard to see how they were going to finish everything in time for today (Thursday) by the expo's 10am opening.

Looking picture perfect this morning.
Well, when I went back this morning, I was amazed! Not only did the expo look almost as good as it did last year (there were a few small empty boothes), but there was a huge line that seemed to be comprised solely of Europeans. Some how these people found a way to get here and some how the organizers found a way to get the expo set up in time.

I'm not sure what to expect this weekend, but I have faith that NYRR, volunteers, and the city will pull through.

P.S.  After seeing the damage that Sandy did later in the week I felt kind of bad for spending my volunteer time at the expo, but at least now I know it wasn't totally in vain: Asics donated all of the proceeds from Saturday's sales to the recovery effort.


  1. Been checking your site here every day to see how you were fairing. :)

    1. Thanks! I was definitely one of the lucky ones.
